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LaunchSpace is a world-class, multipurpose, dynamic and tech-rich facility providing in-demand skills development and enabling the delivery of creative and innovative project-based learning opportunities.

A separately branded division of Basingstoke College of Technology, LaunchSpace is consist of five highly connected and digitally enhanced suites and contribute to the Enterprise M3's (EM3's) wider strategic goals. LaunchSpace prepares the future workforce, develop essential digital skills in students and apprentices, up-skill and retrain local businesses, improve business ties in the region, and create pathways and progression routes onto Level 4+ qualifications.

Interested in utilising LaunchSpace for your Company or Team?
Please complete this form to register your interest in different uses and opportunities for the LaunchSpace.
NB: Expression of interest ≠ commitment - we will provide respondents with further details of opportunities, plus how you can get involved, at a later date.
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