Hello, thanks for stopping by! This page is for both staff and students and contains information, resources and support links. This includes the support available at BCoT.
WHAT IS MENTAL WELL-BEING?: "It is defined as a state of well-being in which every individual realises their own potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to their community."
Simply, mental well-being can be described as a mix of how we feel (our emotions and life satisfaction) and how we function (relationships with others, personal control, purpose in life and independence). It is something that affects everyone, old and young, and anyone can experience good or poor mental well-being.
Mental health is a spectrum and applies to everyone - it's part of the human condition! There are days when you are at one end and there are days when you are at the extreme end.
Our team are trained mental health first aides, who are here to listen to any concerns you have and signpost you to further support and guidance.
We have an dedicated onsite team of professionals who you can go to for support with your mental health. Complete the form that can be found on your Dashboard.
Our college nurse can be found in G013 and is here to listen to any medical concerns you have about your mental or physical wellbeing.
This 24 hour online service provides you with out of hours support and resources. It is run and curated by a team of mental health professionals: kooth.com/login
If you have any concerns about you or someone else's wellbeing you can report it using this tool. Find it on the Dashboard or go to bit.ly/BCoTSpeakUp
It’s important to us that you feel safe and secure at BCoT. If something is troubling you, here’s where to go for help:

Financial Support & Welfare

Learning Support


Special Educational Needs

Exam & Revision Support

Careers &

Young Carers Support

Digital Team