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As an apprentice...

  • You can earn a minimum of £5.28 per hour during the first year of your apprenticeship. If you are 19 years plus and have completed your first year, your wage per hour will increase to the national minimum wage for your age group. 

  • You can gain real-life experience in the industry you want, developing relevant and practical skills on the job. This can make you more employable when you finish your apprenticeship.

  • You will receive a mentor to support you throughout your apprenticeship to ensure you are happy with your apprenticeship and have enough time and knowledge to complete your coursework

Zuzanna's Story_edited.jpg

Apprenticeship vs University

  • Zuzanna decided on an apprenticeship at the company Airbus, where she gets hands-on experience as well as getting a degree for free

  • She studied Triple Science at GCSE and went on to do Physics, Maths and Product Design at A-level

  • She knew she wanted to combine her love of Physics with her creativity. Her apprenticeship offers the perfect combination!

  • She and the team work on design solutions to make aircraft as efficient as possible

  • Zuzanna moved away from home for her apprenticeship, so feels she is getting the uni experience without the debt

"The best part of my job is to see the parts I design get built and put on the aircraft."

What do you want to be when you're older? 

Where can I find an apprenticeship? 

Industry sectors include: 

  • Agriculture, environmental and animal care

  • Business and Administration

  • Construction

  • Creative, media and the arts

  • Customer service and retail

  • Digital and ICT

  • Energy

  • Engineering and Electrical


The National Society of Apprentices works with more than 120 training providers and employers, representing over 150,000 apprentices from across all sectors and industries, across the whole of the UK.

You can get your Apprentice Extra card here.
01256 306339. 



Book a face to face, virtual meeting or telephone call using this link:



If you would like to find out any information about careers and progression opportunities available for your young person contact Anna Thorpe. 

Who are we? BCoT Digital are an in-house group of EdTech enthusiasts, who support staff and students with using technology for teaching, learning and assessment. We feel we have a responsibility to teach both students and staff about Digital Wellbeing and the responsible use of tech - use tech, don't let it use you!           Accessibility Statement

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